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SORTED BY TITLETITLESIZEDATEDESCRIPTIONSTARSRATINGKINDCATEGORYThe Twenty Dollar Bill. A number of teenage children face regular fatherly discipline until a missing twenty dollar bill is found. Severe. Mmmfff. Children. A Beautiful Girl. An ugly duckling learns about real beauty. Severe. Mff. Children. A Caneable Bottom. The Head canes a thin girl. Severe. Mf. Children. Plane_-resize_1024x480_U__-gravity_center_-extent_1024x480/poi_gallery_image-image-e7972384-9634-426a-94d1-b76cfabd3ee5.jpg' alt='Bunyan And Babe Video Download ' title='Bunyan And Babe Video Download ' />A Case for Corporal Punishment in Schools. A person advocates corporal punishment in schools. Seriousfm. Children. Acceptance. 15,1. The Flogmaster wonders if this isnt his best story ever. Intense. Mf. Children. The Accident. 33,6. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Simpsons Tall Tales is the twentyfirst episode and season finale of The Simpsons twelfth season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on. A rich brat learns to accept responsibility. Severe. MFGeneral. Accidents Happen. Fighting leads to hot bottoms. Intense. Fff. Children. Brownfreq worrisome worry worryworryin worrying worse worsened worsens worship worshiped worshipful worshiping worshipped worshippers worshipping worst worstmarked. Founded in 2002. The mission of SermonIndex is the preservation and propagation of classical Biblical preaching and the promotion of Christcentered revival to this. The Advertisement, Parts 1 3. A young lady wins a two week discipline session in London. One of the Flogmasters first storiesSevere. FFGeneral. A Day of Spankings. A family accumulates a bunch of spankings and has to pay for them all in one day. Severe. Mfffff. Children. The Affair. 20,7. A man, discovering his wife is having an affair, devises his own solution to the problem. Severe. MFGeneral. Afterglow. 9,7. 82. Look+at+these+examples+of+fact+and+opinion+from+Paul+Bunyan+and+Babe+the+Blue+Ox..jpg' alt='Bunyan And Babe Video Download ' title='Bunyan And Babe Video Download ' />A woman goes to work after a strenuous session with her husband and finds it difficult to concentrate. Intense. MFGeneral. After School. 9,5. A girl and her male teacher use discipline as an excuse to meet alone after school. Intense. Mf. Children. Agonizing Decision. A female FBI agent chooses punishment over termination. Edgy. MFGeneral. The Photo Album. A young couple discover each others most personal secrets. Intense. Mfm. General. Amalthea. 16,0. 53. A prison colony is described. Severe. MFSlave. A Miserable Lesson. A series of extremelysevere canings at a strict educational institution. Lots of blood, so dont read if youre the sensitive type. Edgy. FFffff. FChildren. Amy and Isabelle 1. Two young female slaves discover that an S M weekend cane, I mean, can be seriously intense. Severe. MFFSlave. The Android. 55,8. The bored female pilot of a transport ship on a long lonely voyage makes use of a robot she discovers in the cargo hold. Severe. MFSlave. Anticipation. A girl gets excited at the concept of severe punishment. Severe. Mf. Children. Anything But the Switch 2. A teen gets switched by her grandparents. Severe. Ff. Children. The Apprentice. 75,2. A young lady visits her uncle for the summer in hopes of being his apprentice but discovers the meaning of discipline instead. Severe. Mffff. Children. Settling the Argument 8,6. A wife teases her husband that he cant build a spanking machine, and he proves her wrong. Intense. MFGeneral. A Routine Spanking. Description of a typical spanking. Severe General. A School Spanking 3. Two randy teens discover love as they suffer the rod and strap at school. Severe. MFfm. Children. Asha. 13,9. 90. 20. A liberal Indian girl is severely punished by her traditional minded parents. Edgy. MFf. Children. Competitive Assets. A script for a jeans TV commerical. Seriousmff. Children. A Talent for Nothing. A girl with no skills discovers she has an unusual one. Serious. MFGeneral. A Visitor. 35,4. 56. A professor entertains a young lady. Edgy. MFChildren. The Bachelorette Party. A bachorlette party plays naughty. Intense. MFx. 7General. The Bar. 38,9. 43. A man visits a unique club in San Francisco. Severe. MFGeneral. A Trip to the Basement 9,1. A naughty schoolgirl takes her first trip to the basement where punishments are given. Intense. Fffff. Children. The Price of Beauty. A schoolgirl learns its painful to be beautiful. Severe. Mf. Children. Bedtime 1. 4,4. 66. A good girl is caught in mid scam and must face the music. Severe. Mf. Children. Behind the Scenes at the Olympics 9,4. What was really behind the success of the U. S. volleyball team at the Sydney OlympicsIntense. MFGeneral. Betrayal. A suspicious husband trails his wife to her secret rendezvous. Severe. MFGeneral. The Billiard Lesson. Two young ladies are given sharp lessons in pool sharking. Serious. Mffff. MChildren. Watch Full Norm Of The North 2002. The Dominant Bitch. The female narrator entertains herself with a young man but soon becomes the entertainment herself. Intense. MFMFSlave. Bitter Apple. 19,6. A teacher returns to the school she attended as a student. Severe. MFf. Children. The Boarding School. A headmaster remembers disciplining his charges. Severe. Mfff. Children. The Breakout. 16,9. A spy rescues his ex from bad guys. Mild. MFLost Stories. Buffy, the Vampire Spanker. TVs heroine learns a new skill. Severe. FMfffm. Children. Buns of Steel. 4,2. A script for a jeans TV commerical. Serious. Mff. Children. Buxom Babe. 15,1. An extremely severe judicial punishment session. Edgy. MFGeneral. A Caning for Breakfast 8,3. Ouch. A girl learns to obey her father as she earns a dose of discipline for breakfast. Severe. Mf. Children. Cat Burglar 1. 3,3. One thief meets another and delivers his own brand of justice. Intense. MFGeneral. Chef Payne 0. 1 Rump Roast 1. A recipe for delight as we watch an episode of the Cooking with Chef Payne show. Severe. MFGeneral. Christmas. 10,8. 57. An eager young lady discovers an unusual gift in her Christmas stocking. Intense. MFGeneral. Cindy A Modern Fairy Tale. A fanciful retelling of the Cinderella story. Severe. MFGeneral. CZJ 2. 6,4. 22. 20. A glorious fantasy about a famous lady with a secret kink. Intense. FMFMGeneral. The Client. 27,5. A discipline session with a female client affects a young man more than he planned. Edgy. MFSlave. Coach Licklater 3. Paddle swats from the big male coach ouch Intense. Mfffff. Children. Confession. A young lady confesses to her priest and must do penance. Intense. PriestFSlave. The Contest. 23,6. A young couple competes at beach games where there are literally sore losers. Severe. MFMFGeneral. Contrast. 12,5. 25. A husband loves his outwardly prim and proper wife whos delightfully naughty in the bedroom. Intense. MFGeneral. The Couple. 35,1. A young couple discovers the real meaning behind trust and commitment. An elegant explanation of what erotic spanking is all about. Severe. MFGeneral. Couple Spanking. 11,5. A couple with marital problems meets their solution. Severe. FMFGeneral. The Courtship of a Goddess. A lonely, middle aged bachelor tells the bittersweet story of how he fell in love with the woman of his dreams. Intense. MFGeneral. Cousin Elly 1. 3,3. A boy is thrashed by mistake, but his pretty female cousin is willing to make it up to him. Severe. MFm. Children. Crazy. 19,1. 96. 19. Remember the Arosmith music video Crazy Well, this story takes up where the video left off Intense. Mff. Children. The Cropping. A young lady is severely punished by her master. Severe. MFSlave. Curtains. Two students are publicly caned by a committee of headmasters. Edgy. Mfm. Children. Daily. 4,1. 63. 19. A woman reflects on her masters new method of daily punishment. Intense. MFSlave. The Daredevil. 37,0. A female daredevil who has spent the last thirty years cheating death goes for the ultimate thrill confronting her old schoolmaster. Severe. MFGeneral. A Darling Brat. A schoolgirl who thinks spankings dont hurt finds out otherwise. Intense. Mff. Children. The Date. 24,1. 18. A young man goes on the wildest date of his wildest dreams. Severe. MF, FMGeneral. Date Night. 11,2. Teris night does not go as planned. Severe. Mf. Lost Stories. A Daughters Love. A daughter recollects on her fathers abusive punishments. Edgy. Mf. Children. One of Those Days. A naughty teenage girl gets her just desserts. Severe. MMFM MMMFf. Children. Decisions. A headmaster explains his punishment techniques. Severe. Mfffff. Children. Delta House. 66,9. A high school boy visits his older brothers frat house at college and gets his eyes opened as to the benefits of modern education. Severe. MFFGeneral. The Diary. 36,7. 82. If spankophiles lived in a perfect world, this is what it would be like. Severe. MFFf. Children. The Director. 16,6.