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Eighth Doctor Tardis FANDOM powered by Wikia. Eighth Doctor. 02 1. Leading a life of great temporal complexity, the Eighth Doctor was so frequently involved in time paradoxes and parallel universes that it was impossible to know with certainty how the major epochs of his existence fitted together. Complicating the matter even further were his frequent bouts of amnesia, as well as several phases of his life where he lived in one place for more than a hundred years, such as Earth and Orbis. He was unique amongst incarnations of the Doctor in that he was technically dead both when he regenerated from the Seventh Doctor and when he regenerated into the War Doctor. Additional factors that made him unique included him being the only Doctor to travel with an Ice Warrior, and the first to have significant interaction with his granddaughter after his first incarnation left her behind on Earth. The Eighth Doctor was inherently a happy adventurer, falling in love with companions. Grace Holloway and Charlotte Pollard, and was not averse to experiencing and appreciating very human emotions, from kissing Grace to providing psychological support for Izzy Sinclair. So strong was his affection for humans, that he even claimed to be half human though sources dispute if this was actually the case. At his core an optimist and a romantic, the Doctor tried to remain a cheerful and pacifistic adventurer in spite of a universe that grew ever increasingly hostile around him, eventually culminating in the eruption of the Last Great Time War between the Time Lords and the Dalek Empire. Download The New Futurama: Bender`S Big Score Movie. Despite his efforts to stay out of the war, the Doctor eventually succumbed to despair as the war started to threaten all of existence, and when presented with an option to choose the traits of his next incarnation, he chose to become a warrior in the hopes of ending the war once and for all. Biography Edit A day to come Edit. The Eighth Doctor was described as the idealist by the Doctors first TARDIS to the Fifth Doctor. BestBuy_US/images/products/5685/5685900_sa.jpg;maxHeight=550;maxWidth=642' alt='Buy Doctor Strange Movie ' title='Buy Doctor Strange Movie ' />AUDIO Prisoners of Fate. While taunting the Sixth Doctor with knowledge of his future, the Valeyard described the Doctors eighth incarnation as the one that would never be able to shake the shadow of death, and then claimed that there would be deaths in the Doctors future. Academy Awardwinning costume designer Alexandra Byrne explains why Doctor Stranges costume was a big challenge to adapt for the big screen. Doctor Who, also referred to as Doctor Who The Movie to distinguish it from the television series of the same name, is a BritishAmericanCanadian television film. AUDIO Trial of the Valeyard. When Ace was sent into the Seventh Doctors mind, she discovered a room with thirteen cubicles, seven of them empty, while the other six contained shadowy white figures, representing the Doctors future incarnations. The barely formed eighth incarnation asked Ace if it was time, but she told him it was not and encouraged him to return to his slumber. PROSE Timewyrm Revelation The Doctor himself would actively resist the temptation to regenerate, fearing it would cause the Valeyard to manifest. PROSE Head Games. After nearly drowning in the oceans of the Artifact, the Seventh Doctor briefly began to regenerate, but the process was averted when Mark Bannen applied artificial respiration. From Marvel Studios comes Doctor Strange, the story of worldfamous neurosurgeon Dr. Stephen Strange whose life changes forever after a horrific car accident. PROSE Parasite. While trapped in his own mind during his confrontation with the Scourge, the Seventh Doctor and Benny Summerfield saw the Doctors eighth incarnation, which the Doctor noted was more of a possibility than a reality when Benny became attracted to the image. AUDIO The Shadow of the Scourge. After experiencing a series of physical traumas without regenerating, PROSE Set Piece the Seventh Doctor began to doubt he still had the power to regenerate, PROSE Infinite Requiem but, when he suffered a one sided heart attack at Roz Forresters funeral, he had a vision of Death taunting him about taking the life of one of his companions, and that some day soon, she would take his without warning, when he was alone and afraid. PROSE So Vile a Sin The Doctor later noted that his regeneration was growing nearer. PROSE The Room With No Doors. Marvels December 02017 solicits continue Marvel Legacy, Loki Sorcerer Supreme DOCTOR STRANGE 382 DONNY CATES W GABRIEL HERNANDEZ WALTA A. Replicants, superheros, and reboots await you in our Fall Movie Guide. Plan your season and take note of the hotly anticipated indie, foreign, and documentary. After being imprisoned for years on Spiridon by the Daleks, the Seventh Doctor escaped by weaponising a light wave sickness, killing the Daleks, and almost forcing him to regenerate. The Doctor survived by returning to the TARDIS, where his cells stabilised. AUDIO Return of the Daleks. Post regeneration Edit. The Doctor regenerated into his eighth incarnation. TV Doctor WhoAfter his previous incarnations circulatory system was fatally damaged by Dr Grace Holloway at Walker General Hospital, the Eighth Doctor came into existence three hours later in the hospital morgue the anaesthetic nearly destroyed the regenerative process, resulting in the unprecedented delay. Suffering complete amnesia due to the circumstances of his death, the Doctor pillaged a new outfit from the hospital locker room, and sought out Grace, TV Doctor Who whom he believed knew who he was, due to a memory he had of her. PROSE The Novel of the Film Convincing her to take him to her home by removing the surgical probe, the Doctor gave Grace some of his blood to study, and then went for a walk with her to try and jog more of his memory, which coincided with the Master, now in a stolen body, and Chang Lee opening the Eye of Harmony in the TARDIS, which caused the Doctor to regain his memory, but scare Grace away with his erratic behaviour. While Grace called for a psychiatric ward, the Doctor realised that the Eye opening was causing molecular instability on Earth, and that he needed to find an atomic clock with a beryllium chip to fix the critical timing malfunction in the TARDIS console. Just then, the Master and Lee arrived, pretending to be the ambulance drivers that had answered Graces call, but the Doctor exposed their deception to Grace on the journey, and the two escaped to the Institute for Technological Advancement and Research on a police motorcycle. There, they were able to steal a beryllium chip from Professor. Waggs atomic clock. The Doctors life is drained out of him. TV Doctor WhoWhen they got back to the TARDIS to fix the timing malfunction, Grace knocked the Doctor out when the Master took over her mind and she and Lee put him in restraints. While the restrained Doctor managed to expose Lee to the Masters lies before he could reopen the Eye, the Master killed Lee and forcibly used the freed Grace instead, so he could use the Eye to steal the Doctors lives. Faced with the Masters endgame, the Doctor instructed Grace to set the TARDIS on a temporal orbit back in its timestream to prevent the Earth from being sucked through the Eye the consequential loss of power to the Eye prevented the Master from successfully stealing the Doctors life force. TV Doctor Who However, the usage of a temporal orbit to save the Earth resulted in the Doctors birth cry, PROSE Unnatural History which was a temporal paradox that heralded a life of considerable complexity. PROSE Interference Book One, Interference Book Two, Time Zero, The Gallifrey Chronicles AUDIO Storm Warning, Zagreus. The Doctor relaxes after his first adventure. TV Doctor WhoGrace returned to release the Doctor from his restraints, but the Master regained enough strength to throw her across the Cloister Room, killing her. The Doctor and the Master then fought one another, but the Master misjudged the angle of an attack and fell into the Eye, refusing to accept the Doctors aid. As the TARDIS travelled back in its timestream, Grace and Lee were revived by some energy from the Eye. Depositing them back to San Francisco in time for New Years Day. Doctor advised Lee to take a vacation on the following Christmas, and asked Grace to travel with him. Though she declined, and he rejected her request to live a normal life with her in San Francisco, the two parted on good terms with a goodbye kiss, as the Doctor left for new adventures in his TARDIS. TV Doctor Who. New adventures Edit. Leaving San Francisco, the Doctor fell victim to a last trap set by the Master, causing yet another case of amnesia.