Cult Horror Movies Futurama: Bender`S Game

Cult Horror Movies Futurama: Bender`S Game

Cult Horror Movies Futurama: Bender`S Game Rating: 3,6/5 501votes

The top 5. 0 robots and AI computers in the movies Who doesnt love robots Our metal friends have long been a source of inspiration, wonder and fear for filmmakers and audiences. A way to examine our own humanity, and view emotions or lack of them from a new perspective, artificial intelligence has been in films for almost as long as weve been making them. We seem drawn to them, more often that not casting them as our creations gone rogue and seeking to rise up against us, but sometimes as tragic figures wanting to be more like us. Either way, theyre fascinating, and pretty damn cool. Sonny I, Robot. Brought to artificial life by the brilliant Alan Tudyk, Sonny is the robot at the heart of the Will Smith blockbuster, which really bears no resemblance to the seminal short story collection by Isaac Asimov, other than acknowledging his three laws of robotics for those who dont know A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. However, Sonny is the best thing in the film, with a subtle motion captured performance hinting at the humanity lurking within, and for a film about robots, its probably a good thing its most memorable character is one4. Shiro Robot Robo. Geisha. One of those bonkers Japanese films that really has to be seen to be believed. I sadly cant include the Robo. Geishas of the title due to them actually being cyborgs, but I can include the baddies headquarters which turn into a giant robot at the end in order to walk to Mount Fuji and deliver a device 1. Cult Horror Movies Futurama: Bender`S Game ' title='Cult Horror Movies Futurama: Bender`S Game ' />They can be clanking or lithe, as big as a planet or as small as a puppy. Heres our list of cinemas 50 finest robots and AI computers. The Dissonant Serenity trope as used in popular culture. Theres maiming and killing afoot. Screaming and cursing, the clattering of swords, gunfire. Faces. The Armor Is Useless trope as used in popular culture. In fiction, armor has virtually no protective qualities. Characters who wear no armor to speak of are. Nope, I dont know why it was specifically 1. But what I do know is that the two Robo. Geishas have to fuse together in order to defeat this behemoth. Quality. 4. 8. Alfie Barbarella. American poet and short story writer Edgar Allan Poe has had significant influence in television and film. Many are adaptations of Poes work, others merely reference it. Full List of Inventory 12717. You can search for a specific title by using your computer or other devices search function. If you want a specific list such as. The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by English author and scholar J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkiens 1937 fantasy. Heres Barbarellas computer from her ship Alpha 7. Alfie doesnt actually do a great deal, but he does enable Jane Fonda to float around naked while he flies to Tau Ceti. Which he then promptly crashes into, maybe because he was a bit distracted. However, Alfie redeems himself by getting to fly through the core of the planet. To be honest, Alfie gets his place on this list for being one of the campest sounding things in one of the campest films ever made. I salute you Alfie, good job. Bubo Clash of the Titans. What did the remake of Clash Of The Titans miss the most Thats right, Bubo. When Zeus orders his daughter Athena to give up her pet owl Bubo so it can help Perseus, she creates a mechanical version of it instead, which turns out to be far more useful to our hero. Not content with showing Perseus the way to the Stygian witches, Bubo also fetches Pegasus for the weakened Perseus, and then takes on the Kraken solo before helping kill it with Medusas head. Not bad for a comedy sidekick. And proof that robotic versions of living things are better. Rosey Jetsons The Movie. One of the most iconic and recognisable robots for many people, Rosey the Robot was the helpful robotic maid of the Jetson family. Based on the eponymous character from the TV show Hazel, Rosey came from U RENT A MAID, had a boyfriend called Mac, and rolled around on wheels while cleaning the place. Shes also proven to be one of the most durable characters from the cartoon, with recent appearances in AT T advert about the history of robots of course, and the video for the Kanye West song Heartless. She also makes a memorable appearance in the Futurama feature, Benders Game, where she is imprisoned for killing Elroy and Astro, Everything must be clean. Very clean. Thats why the dog had to die. He was a dirty dog. Also that boy Elroy. Dirty. Dirty. 4. 5. Sexy androids from 2. One of the most stylish parts of this incredibly good looking and gorgeous film is the sections set in the fictional future world of the train leaving 2. In it, a Japanese man named Tak is running away from his memories when he falls in love with one of the trains beautiful android assistants. Believing that the androids responses have slowed down over time, he waits patiently for it to tell him it loves him back, before realising the android is already in love with someone else. Mirroring the plot of the main film, this is a heart breaking and stylish way of getting your point across, usefully using robots as a metaphor for people not returning your feelings. The Golden Army Hellboy 2 The Golden Army. I enjoyed the first Hellboy immensely, but I loved the sequel. For me its the perfect fusion of Guillermo del Toros two disparate careers, the larger budget Hollywood fare, and the more personal dark fantasy work. Drawing heavily on a steam punk aesthetic, the titular Golden Army are initially incredibly rendered in the films amazing animated opening sequence, where their power is demonstrated, before appearing in full live action glory at the end. The best bit is when you think theyve been easily defeated by Hellboy and the others, before reassembling and showing themselves to be unstoppable clockwork killing machines which will conquer the world for their master. Bomb 2. 0 Dark Star. I do wonder if one day well look back at Dark Star and view it as way ahead of its time it seems to capture perfectly the mundanity and madness of what life aboard a spaceship in deep space would be like. On a 2. 0 year and counting mission to destroy unstable planets using artificially intelligent nuclear bombs, the Dark Star suffers an accident which leads Bomb 2. During its period of enlightenment, Bomb 2. God and destroying the ship. Which is probably what would happen if a nuclear bomb became self aware and questioned its role in the universe Brilliantly offbeat, Dark Star is an early John Carpenter classic, and Bomb 2. Jinx Space. Camp. Even as a young boy, with dreams of becoming an astronaut cruelly dashed by my failure to win a competition on CBBCs Newsround to go to a real life Space. Camp and this film on repeat, I kind of hated Jinx. The chubby robot grounded by NASA for being too rubbish at his job is responsible for not only wrecking Kathryn and Kevins alone time, but then decides to sabotage a billion dollar shuttle in order to make his new friend Maxs wishful thinking of wanting to be in space come true. By sending them up in a half finished shuttle with no oxygen or radio. Nice work. Hes still allowed in Mission Control though. No wonder the space program has effectively been shut down. Mecha. Godzilla Godzilla Vs Mecha. Godzilla. A great and literal example of a Mirror Villain, a baddie who represents and twists all that makes our hero good. Mecha. Godzilla is one of my favourite monsters, mainly because hes as powerful as the big G, and normally can only be taken down by two or more guys helping Godzilla. Hes got a rainbow coloured laser beam that shoots out of his mouth, a spinning head, and missiles in his fingers and toes. Hes also made of space titanium, which as everyone knows is the best kind of titanium. Most importantly though, he is a worthy foe for Godzilla, the type of threat which the films needed in order to put a real sense of danger and jeopardy in them. And for that, Mecha. Godzilla fully deserves his place amongst the elite. Unicron Transformers The Movie. There are many, many reasons why this planet sized transformer deserves a place on this list. Here are just two of them. Firstly, hes the perfect example of ramping up the scale and threat of a villain when a popular TV show makes its big screen transition. He gets an entire prologue sequence entirely dedicated to showing just how badass he is. If you were a fan of the show the fact there was a bad transformer capable of eating entire worlds would have blown your tiny mind. Edgar Allan Poe in television and film. American poet and short story writer Edgar Allan Poe has had significant influence in television and film. Many are adaptations of Poes work, others merely reference it. AdaptationseditPerhaps most well known are the B films directed by Roger Corman and starring Vincent Price House of Usher, The Premature Burial, starred Ray Milland and Hazel Court, with Price notably absent. The Haunted Palace 1. Poes poem, but is more closely derived from the works of H. P. Lovecraft, in particular The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. Corman hoped to remove himself from Poe adaptations and turned The Raven into a comedic effort. Likewise, the middle segment in Tales of Terror, based on The Black Cat and The Cask of Amontillado, is intended to be humorous. In the 1. Universal Studios adapted several Poe stories and used others as inspirational jump off points primarily starring Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff. These films are usually treated as forming part of the early Universal Monster films, alongside Karloffs Frankenstein and Lugosis Dracula et al. The educational film The Strange Case of the Cosmic Rays, directed by Frank Capra in 1. Poe, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Charles Dickens appear as marionettes. In 2. 00. 5, Lurker Films released an Edgar Allan Poe film collection on DVD, including short film adaptations of Annabel Lee by director George Higham, The Raven by director Peter Bradley, and The Tell Tale Heart by director Alfonso S. Suarez. The Black Cat was translated to giallo film as Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key also known as Eye of the Black Cat. The 2. 00. 4 release of Hellboy on DVD contained a special 1. The Tell Tale Heart in the special features. Since 2. 00. 4 New York animation producer Michael Sporn has been working on Poe, an animated feature about Poes life and works. Czech. Surrealist director and animator. Jan vankmajer has directed several Poe related adaptations The Fall of the House of Usher 1. The Pit, the Pendulum and Hope 1. The Pit and the Pendulum by Poe and A Torture by Hope by Villiers de lIsle Adam, and Lunacy 2. Movies For Apple Ipod Arthur And The Invisibles. The Premature Burial and The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether, as well as the life and writings of the Marquis de Sade. Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado starring David JM Bielewicz and Frank Tirio, Jr. Directed by Thad Ciechanowski, Produced by Joe Serkoch, Production Company Dijit. Media, LLCOrionvega. Winner of 2. 01. 3 Emmy Award. Terroir, starring Keith Carradine, is based on Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado. Edgar Allan Poes The Raven starring David JM Bielewicz, Dave Pettitt and Nicole Beattie. Directed by Thad Ciechanowski, Produced by Joe Serkoch, Production Company Dijit. Media, LLCOrionvega. Winner of 2. 01. 5 Emmy Award. Extraordinary Tales, an animated anthology of five stories adapted from Poe The Fall of the House of Usher, The Tell Tale Heart, The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar, The Pit and the Pendulum, and The Masque of the Red Death,1 released in October 2. Each story is narrated by a different actor the voice cast includes Christopher Lee Usher, Bela Lugosi Tell Tale Heart, Julian Sands Valdemar, Guillermo del Toro Pendulum, and Roger Corman Masque. Directed by Raul Garcia 3Huayi Brothers Media and CKF Pictures in China announced in 2. Akira Kurosawas posthumous screenplay of The Mask of the Red Death for 2. Inspiration and allusionseditIn Chapter 4 of the 1. Drums of Fu Manchu, The Pendulum of Doom, the hero Allan Parker is trapped in a Pit and the Pendulum peril Fu Manchu actually states that the Poe story inspired this torture device. In The Crow, Brandon Lee quotes an excerpt from The Raven while breaking into Gideons Pawn Shop. In the 1. 96. 6 Batman movie, Bruce Wayne Adam West quotes the last stanza from the poem, To One in Paradise, but mistakes it as the first one. In Franois Truffauts 1. Fahrenheit 4. 51, based on Ray Bradburys dystopian novel Fahrenheit 4. Guy Montag is shown choosing to save and memorize a collection titled Tales of Mystery Imagination. Poes poem A Dream Within a Dream is frequently alluded to in the film Picnic at Hanging Rock 1. Peter Weir. In the 1. I, Madman, insane novelist Malcolm Brand is the author of a novel called Much of Madness, More of Sin, a quote from Poes poem The Conqueror Worm. In the 1. 99. 0 film The Krays, the schoolyard dominance of Ronnie and Reggie Kray as children is demonstrated in a scene featuring a reading of the poem Alone. In the 2. 00. 4 remake of The Ladykillers, the chief protagonist is a great admirer of Poe and frequently quotes from his poetry a raven is also featured. In the 1. 98. 7 vampire film The Lost Boys, the two kid vampire hunters Edgar and Alan Frog, played by Corey Feldman and Jamison Newlander respectively, have names that are inspired by Edgar Allan Poe. The 1. 99. 3 film. The Mummy Lives, starring Tony Curtis with a screenplay by Nelson Gidding, was suggested by Poes Some Words with a Mummy 1. The concept of sealing someone alive behind a brick wall, a la Poe in The Cask of Amontillado, was used in the September 2. Rod Serlings TV series Night Gallery, titled The Merciful. The episode included a short segment in which an old woman Imogene Coca is apparently sealing her husband King Donavan, passively seated in an old chair, in the basement behind a brick wall she is building. She assures him it is really much better this way, that she is doing this for your own good. When she finishes the wall, the old man gets up and walks upstairs to the main floor of the house. His wife has sealed herself in. In the 2. 00. 8 horror film Saw V, Seth Baxter is placed in a trap which references The Pit and the Pendulum. In the animated feature The Scapegoats 2. Tor E. Steiro, on the wall of Snakebite Danas bathroom, there is an Edgar Allan Poe poster, with a raven and a quote from the poem, as well as Poes signature. Selected Poe related filmseditEdgar Allen Poe sic 1. The Gold Bug France, 1. The Pit and the Pendulum Italy, 1. The Bells 1. 91. The Avenging Conscience or Thou Shalt Not Kill 1. The Murders in the Rue Morgue 1. The Raven 1. 91. This film is more of a Poe biography however, a brief segment of the film is indeed an abbreviated performance of the namesake poem. The Tell Tale Heart 1. The Fall of the House of Usher US, 1. La Chute de la maison Usher France, 1. Murders in the Rue Morgue 1. The Black Cat 1. Maniac 1. The Black CatThe Crime of Dr. Crespi 1. 93. 5 from The Premature BurialThe Raven 1. The Tell Tale Heart 1. The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe 1. PoeMystery of Marie Roget 1. The Tell Tale Heart 1. The Phantom of the Rue Morgue 1. House of Usher 1. The Tell Tale Heart 1. The Pit and the Pendulum 1. The Premature Burial 1. Tales of Terror 1. Adapts Morella, The Black Cat, and The Facts in the Case of M. ValdemarThe Raven 1. The Masque of the Red Death 1. Castle of Blood 1. The Pit and the Pendulum 1. The Tomb of Ligeia 1. The Blood Demon 1. Spirits of the Dead Histoires extraordinaires, 3 segments Metzengerstein by Roger Vadim, William Wilson by Louis Malle and Toby Dammit by Federico Fellini FranceItaly, 1. Web of the Spider 1. The Murders in the Rue Morgue 1. The Spectre of Edgar Allan Poe 1. Directed by Mohy Quandour. With Robert Walker Jr., Cesar Romero, Tom Drake. The Gold Bug 1. 98. ABC Weekend Special directed by Robert Fuest. With Roberts Blossom, Geoffrey Holder and Anthony Michael Hall. Vincent 1. 98. 2 a short film by Tim Burton, about a boy who is obsessed with Poe and Vincent Price. Masque of the Red Death 1. Directed by Larry Brand and produced by Roger Corman. With Adrian Paul and Patrick Macnee. Fools Fire 1. 99. Julie Taymor and starring Michael J. Anderson, an adaptation of Hop FrogThe Raven. Nevermore 1. 99. The Raven short film 2. The Death of Poe 2.

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