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List of Urusei Yatsura episodes. Urusei Yatsura is a manga series by Rumiko Takahashi that was later adapted into an anime series. The series was adapted by Kitty Films into a 1. TV series that aired from October 1. March 1. 9, 1. 98. Fuji Television. With the exception of episodes 1. The series aired on October 1. Stream your anime online in high quality, watch anime online in English dubbed subbed. Here you can watch online anime without paying, registering. Just come and. Watch anime online subbed and dubbed on all devices. Best anime list for free anime online in high quality and anime download. Welcome to EyeonAnime. Watch Anime Online Free Anime Episodes, Movies and OVAs. Urusei Yatsura Movies BluRay Box, a BluRay box set that contains all the theatrically released films, released by Warner Bros. Urusei Yatsura is a manga series by Rumiko Takahashi that was later adapted into an anime series. The series was adapted by Kitty Films into a 195 episode TV series. Im Lum chan the Notorious Its Raining Oil All Over Town. The first 1. 06 episodes were directed by Mamoru Oshii and the remainder by Kazuo Yamazaki. Urusei Yatsura concluded about five years later on March 1. All Star BanquetWe Are Immortal. The 1. 94th episode Urusei Yatsura Immediate Farewell Special Shine Planet Uru Award is a repeat of episode 4. After Youve Gone with a special introduction and best episode countdown before the episode. Six opening theme songs and nine closing themes were used during the series. Lum no Love Song was used as the opening theme for the first 7. It was replaced by Dancing Star for episodes 7. Pajama Jama da was used for episodes 1. Chance on Love was used for episodes 1. The final 2 opening themes were Rock the Planet for episodes 1. Tonogata Gomen Asobase for the remaining episodes. A total of 9 ending themes were used. The first ending theme was Uchuu wa Taihen da which was used for the first 2. It was replaced by Kokorobosoi na for episodes 2. Hoshizora Cycling for episodes 4. I, I, You and Ai was used for episodes 5. Yume wa Love me MoreLove me More was used for episodes 7. Koi no Mobius was used for episodes 1. Open Invitation was used for episodes 1. The final two ending themes were Every Day for episodes 1. Good Luck for the remainder of the series. On December 1. VHS release of the series was made available in Japan. The series was also released on fifty Laserdiscs. Another VHS release across fifty cassettes began on March 1. Watch Adam And Dog Online Free. April 1. 9, 2. 00. Two DVD boxsets of the series were released between December 8, 2. March 9, 2. 00. 1. These were followed by fifty individual volumes between August 2. August 2. 3, 2. 00. During 1. 99. 2, the series was licensed for a North American release by Anim. Eigo. Their VHS release began in October of the same year and was among the first anime titles to receive a subtitled North American release. However the release schedule was erratic. Anim. Eigo later released the series on DVD. The series was available in box set form as well as individual releases. A total of 1. 0 boxsets and 5. DVDs were released between March 2. June 2. 0, 2. 00. Each DVD and VHS contained Liner notes explaining the cultural references and puns from the series. In February 2. 01. Anim. Eigo announced that it would not renew their license to the series and that their DVDs would fall out of print on September 3. A fan group known as Lums Stormtroopers convinced the Californian public television station KTEH to broadcast subtitled episodes of the series in 1. Series overvieweditSeason. Episodes. Original run. Series. Director. Chief. Screenwriters. Studio. Musical themes. Opening. Ending. 15. October 1. 4, 1. 98. December 2. 2, 1. Mamoru. Oshii. Takao Koyama. Studio. Pierrot. Lum no Love Song by Yuko Matsutani. Uch wa Taihen da Yuko Matsutani. Kokorobosoi na by Helen Sasano. Hoshizora Cycling by Virgin VS2. January 5, 1. 98. March 2. 8, 1. 98. Kazunori Ito. I, I, You and Ai by Izumi Kobayashi. Dancing Star by Izumi Kobayashi. Yume wa Love Me More by Izumi Kobayashi. April 1. 1, 1. 98. March 2. 7, 1. 98. Kazuo. Yamazaki. Michiru Shimada. Studio. Deen. Pajama Jama da Kanako Narikiyo. Koi no Mobius by Rittsu. Chance on Love by Cindy. Open Invitation by Cindy. April 3, 1. 98. 5 March 1. Rock the Planet by Steffanie. Every Day by Steffanie. Tonogata Gomen Asobase by Shoko Minami. Good Luck by Shoko Minami. Episode listeditSeason 1 1. No. Title. Original airdate. Im Lum chan the NotoriousUwasa no Ramu chan Datcha October 1. Its Raining Oil All Over TownMachi ni Sekiyu no Ame ga Furu Ataru has been randomly selected from Earths population to face Lum Invader in a duel that will determine the Earths fate. Lums Stormtroopers summon Lums UFO but instead they get an intergalactic taxi that takes them through subspace. The fare for the taxi is the value of all the oil on the planet. Mail from Space Ten chan ArrivesUch Ybin Ten chan Tchaku October 2. Mrs. Swallow and Mrs. PenguinTsubame san to Pengin san A peach falls from the sky that Lums cousin, Ten has travelled to her in. He is capable of breathing fire and fights with Ataru. The Coming of Rei the Handsome ShapechangerHenshin Bidan Rei ga Kita October 2. Die Dreamy ManKutabare Iro Otoko Lums handsome ex fianc, Rei, arrives on earth to win her back but succeeds only in winning the attention of every other woman on Earth including Atarus mother. Kintaro from the Autumn SkyAki no Sora Kara Kintar November 4, 1. Gonna Live Like a ManTakumashiku Ikirun y The cast meet Kintaro, the legendary mighty boy who is lost on earth. Ataru convinces Kintaro, his teacher with his alien classmates in tow to visit Earth on a field trip. Sakura Raving Beauty of MysteryNazo no Oiroke Bijo Sakura November 1. Virus in DistressNayameru Uirusu Ataru ran away from home as he cant stand the pressure of living with Lum and bumps into Sakura into doing so. Sakura found employment in Atarus school as the school nurse. Black Hole Love TriangleKoi no Sankaku Burakku Hru November 2. Its a Lovesick Little DemonHorehore Ko Akuma Dakkya Lum blocks Ataru and Shinobus phone call using equipment in her UFO inadvertently creating a black hole that causes aircraft to vanish. Ataru puts two mirrors together on Friday the 1. Electric Shocks are ScaryDengeki Shokku ga Kowai December 2, 1. Voodoo Dolls of VengeanceNenriki Urami no Ayatsuri Ningy Cherry gives Ataru some magical yellow ribbons which, when tied on Lums horns, render her unable to fire electric shocks. Lum makes a voodoo doll of Shinobu, and Ataru tries to stop her from using it to hurt Shinobu. Neptune is Beyond My ClosetOshi ire no Muk wa Kaisei December 9, 1. That Crazy Age of the DinosaursHachamecha Kyry Jidai The gang discover a portal to Neptune in Atarus closet and meet Lums girlfriend Oyuki, the queen of Neptune. An accident sends Lum, Ataru, Ten and Kintaro back to the time of the dinosaurs. Princess Kurama Sleeping BeautyNemureru Bijo Kurama Hime December 1. Athletic in Womens HellAsurechikku Onna Jigoku Having been awakened from her long sleep by Atarus kiss, Kurama tries her best to reform him by making him undergo strenuous training to be her husband and trying to cure his lechery. Pitter Patter Christmas EveToki Meki no Seiya December 2. Lums Stormtroopers devise a scheme to get Lum to dump Ataru by setting up a fake Christmas Eve date for Ataru. Ataru Genji Goes to the Heian CapitalAtaru Genji Heian Ky ni Yuku January 6, 1. In an episode that parodies Japanese history, Shutaro Mendou appears for the first time even though he wont be introduced as a regular character until a few episodes later, as the others point out in a fourth wall breaking moment. Battle Royal of LoveKoi no Batoru Roiyaru January 1. Father You Were StrongChichi yo Anata wa Tsuyokatta Lum, Ataru and the gang go out to a disco, and chaos ensues when Sakuras boyfriend Tsubame starts to demonstrate his magic abilities. Kurama takes Ataru back in time so that he can learn to be her ideal man like her father. Hawaiian Swimsuit ThiefHawaian Mizugi Dorob January 2. Watch Anime Online, English Anime Online Dubbed, Subbed. Watch anime online in high quality for free. Here you can watch and download any anime you want, if it isnt available in the site, just send us a request, we will upload it for you as soon as possible. Follow 9animetogogoanime.