Movies On Dvd Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair

Movies On Dvd Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair

Movies On Dvd Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair Rating: 4,3/5 962votes

Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens, marketed as Star Wars The Force Awakens, is the. Luke Plunkett. Luke Plunkett is a Contributing Editor based in Canberra, Australia. He has written a book on cosplay, designed a game about airplanes, and also runs. The first look at the games Starfighter Assault mode has the Millennium Falcon, bright lens flares, and yes, Yoda manning a laser turret. Han Solo Wikipedia. This article is about the character. For the trilobite, see Han trilobite. Han Solo. Star Wars character. First appearance. Star Wars 1. 97. Created by. George Lucas. Portrayed by. Voiced by. Information. Gender. Male. Occupation. I/51Nf74%2BWyUL._SX425_.jpg' alt='Movies On Dvd Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair ' title='Movies On Dvd Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair ' />Captain of the Millennium Falcon. General in the Rebel AllianceNew Republic. Smuggler. Affiliation. Galactic EmpireLegendsRebel Alliance. New Republic. Resistance. Galactic Federation of Free AlliancesLegendsSpousesLeia Organa. Sana Starrosunconsummated1Children. Relatives. Homeworld. Corellia. Han Solo is a character in the Star Wars franchise. In the original film trilogy, Han and his co pilot, Chewbacca, became involved in the Rebel Alliances struggle against the Galactic Empire. During the course of the Star Wars narrative, he becomes a chief figure in the Alliance and succeeding galactic governments. Star Wars creator George Lucas described the character as a loner who realizes the importance of being part of a group and helping for the common good. Harrison Ford portrayed the character in the original Star Wars trilogy as well as The Force Awakens. Alden Ehrenreich will portray a young Han Solo in an upcoming, as yet untitled spinoff film. AppearanceseditStar WarseditHan Solo is introduced in Star Wars 1. Chewbacca accept a charter request to transport Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, C 3. PO, and R2 D2 from Tatooine to Alderaan on their ship, the Millennium Falcon. Han owes crime lord Jabba the Hutt a great deal of money and has a price on his head when the bounty hunter Greedo tries to deliver him to Jabba, dead or alive. After a failed attempt at getting Han to give him the money he owes Jabba as a bribe for letting him go, Greedo takes a shot at Han but Han leans to avoid the shot and shoots Greedo, and then he prepares to leave Tatooine. Han and his passengers are attacked by Imperial stormtroopers, but escape by accelerating to light speed. When they arrive at Alderaan, however, they discover that the planet has been destroyed. The Falcon is then captured and held within the Death Star, a moon sized battle station constructed by the Empire. Han and company hide from detection inside the Falcons smuggling bays, and infiltrate the station disguised as stormtroopers. They discover that Princess Leia Organa is a prisoner on board, and Luke convinces Han to help rescue her by promising him a huge reward. They rescue Leia and escape, though Obi Wan is killed by Sith Lord. Darth Vader. After delivering Luke, Leia, C 3. PO, and R2 D2 to the Rebel Alliance, Han and Chewbacca receive a payment for their services and prepare to leave. Luke asks Han to stay and help the Rebels attack the Death Star, but he refuses, not wanting to get involved. Han has a change of heart and returns to save Lukes life during the films climactic battle scene, ultimately enabling Luke to destroy the Death Star. For his heroics, Han is presented with a medal of honor alongside Luke. The Empire Strikes BackeditHan returns with the Rebel Alliance to Echo Base on the frozen planet of Hoth. While out on patrol with Luke, they witness a meteor strike the surface. Han returns to base while Luke decides to investigate. Han informs Leia and the General of Echo Base that he must leave in order to clear his debt with Jabba. Before he can depart, it is discovered that Luke has not returned from his reconnaissance. Han rides out alone into the frozen Hoth wastelands, soon finding Luke badly injured and near death from exposure. Using his friends lightsaber, Han cuts open his tauntaun, providing Luke warmth while he builds a shelter until they can be rescued the next morning. Later, Han and Chewbacca are sent out to investigate another meteor strike. They discover that the meteor is actually an Imperial Probe Droid. The two succeed in destroying the probe, but not before the Empire is alerted to the location of Echo Base. When the Empire attacks Echo Base, Han, Chewie, Leia, and C 3. PO narrowly escape on board the Millennium Falcon. Han evades a squad of Imperial TIE fighters by flying through an asteroid field, and unwittingly flies into the mouth of a giant worm. Han and Leia fall in love during the long journey. They manage to hide from the Imperial fleet long enough to escape, but not entirely unnoticed. Bounty hunter Boba Fett secretly follows the Falcon during this getaway. Han and company eventually end up at the Bespin systems Cloud City seeking repairs and shelter from his old friend Lando Calrissian, the citys administrator. However, Fett had arrived first and alerted the Empire. Under threat of death, Lando betrays Han to the Empire. Vader wishes to capture Luke by freezing him in carbonite, and subjects Solo to the freezing process first to test its lethality. Solo survives, his captors are satisfied, and Fett leaves for Tatooine with a frozen Han in tow to collect the bounty from Jabba. Biography Movies Watch The Lady And The Reaper. Return of the JedieditHan, still imprisoned in carbonite, is now Jabbas favorite decoration at his palace on Tatooine. Luke attempts a rescue operation aided by Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, C 3. PO, and R2. D2, but they are caught. Jabba sentences Han and Luke to die in the Sarlaac Pit. Luke, Leia, and Han overpower their captors and Leia kills Jabba enabling their escape. Retreating back to the Rebel Base, they discover that the Empire is building another Death Star which orbits the forest moon of Endor. Following his return, Han is made a general in the Rebel Alliance along with Leia. Reuniting with Luke after his return from Dagobah, Han leads the Rebels down to Endor to take down the force field surrounding the battle station, which is still under construction. With help from the native Ewoks, Han and his team destroy the Death Stars shield generator, allowing Lando and his strike force to destroy the Death Star. Han then reunites with Leia and Luke on Endor to celebrate the defeat of the Empire. The Force AwakenseditIn The Force Awakens, set approximately 3. Return of the Jedi, Han Solo has returned to his old life as a smuggler. Before the events of the film, he and Chewbacca had lost the Millennium Falcon to thieves, but they reclaim the ship after it takes off from the planet Jakku, piloted by the scavenger Rey and the renegade stormtrooper Finn. As mercenaries close in on them, Han takes the Falcon into light speed, and they get away. When Han learns that Rey is looking for Luke, who disappeared years before, he takes them to Maz Kanata, who can deliver the droid BB 8 to the Resistance. They are forced to flee when First Order troops descend upon them. Han is impressed with Reys piloting skills, and offers her a job on the Falcon. She declines his offer, but comes to think of him as a mentor and father figure. When Rey is kidnapped by the First Order, Han sees her being carried off by First Order commander Kylo Ren, whom Han seems to recognize. Han and Finn meet with the Resistance, which is led by Leia, whom Han has not seen in many years. It is then revealed that Ren is their son, Ben Solo, who trained as a Jedi under Luke. However, he was corrupted by the First Orders Supreme Leader Snoke, and turned to the dark side. As Kylo Ren, he betrayed the Republic and destroyed the Jedi much like his grandfather, Darth Vader. Heartbroken by Bens betrayal, Han and Leia separated, while Luke went into exile. Leia asks him to find Ben and bring him home, convinced that there is still good in him. Han and Chewbacca go with Finn to the First Orders battle station, Starkiller Base, to destroy the base and rescue Rey. There, he sees Ren walk onto the bridge above the reactor chasm. Han follows Ren onto the bridge, and calls out to him by his real name. Han pleads with him to abandon the dark side and come back with him. Ren tells Han that he knows what he should do, but that he doesnt have the strength to do it, and asks Han to help him. Han agrees. After a moment, an unrepentant Ren ignites his lightsaber, fatally wounding his father. New Star Wars Battlefront 2 Trailer Shows Off Dazzling Space Battles. The first look at the games Starfighter Assault mode has the Millennium Falcon, bright lens flares, and yes, Yoda manning a laser turret. The mode also appears to include Darth Vader and plenty of evil Sith, because what better way to use your super powered warriors than by putting them inside fragile space cans that have a penchant for getting shot down. The magic of space combat overlaid with a Yoda monologue, however, still gave me chills. This is Battlefront 2 after all, meaning that no matter what else, the games Starfighter Assault stuff will no doubt be some of the best looking and most beautifully sounding pew pew around. The trailer also indicates that places like Endor, Fondor, and Ryloth will be just a few of the locales available for hectic space battles. Of course, the trailer ends with a look at one of my personal favorite Battlefront levels, the research center on the water planet of Kamino. Not only does the stormy weather show just how beautiful sci fi set pieces look in the rain, it also features what appears to be a Yoda vs. Darth Maul showdown. The game is set to release on Xbox One, PS4, and PC on November 1.

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Movies On Dvd Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair
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