Sci Fi Thriller Movies The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2015: Animation

Sci Fi Thriller Movies The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2015: Animation

Sci Fi Thriller Movies The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2015: Animation Rating: 4,4/5 9649votes

After six episodes that have been incredible, infuriating, revealing, confusing, and epic, last nights Game of Thrones finale had a great many things to answer for. This is a list of science fiction films released in the 2010s. These films include core elements of science fiction, but can cross into other genres. Francois Truffauts 15 Greatest Films. Just for once pick a director he havent fcking heard already, always recycling the same names over and over again you. The Matrix Wikipedia. The Matrix is a 1. The Wachowskis, starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, and Joe Pantoliano. It depicts a dystopian future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality called the Matrix, created by sentient machines to subdue the human population, while their bodies heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source. Computer programmer Neo learns this truth and is drawn into a rebellion against the machines, which involves other people who have been freed from the dream world. The Matrix is known for popularizing a visual effect known as bullet time, in which the heightened perception of certain characters is represented by allowing the action within a shot to progress in slow motion while the cameras viewpoint appears to move through the scene at normal speed. The film is an example of the cyberpunksubgenre. It contains numerous references to philosophical and religious ideas, and prominently pays homage to works such as Platos Allegory of the Cave,6Jean Baudrillards Simulacra and Simulation7 and Lewis Carrolls Alices Adventures in Wonderland. The Wachowskis approach to action scenes drew upon their admiration for Japanese animation9 and martial arts films, and the films use of fight choreographers and wire fu techniques from Hong Kong action cinema influenced subsequent Hollywood action film productions. The Matrix was first released in the United States on March 3. It was well received by critics1. Academy Awards, as well as other accolades, including BAFTA Awards and Saturn Awards. Reviewers praised The Matrix for its innovative visual effects, cinematography and entertainment value. The films premise was both criticized for being derivative of earlier science fiction works and praised for being intriguing. The action also polarized critics, some describing it as impressive, but others dismissing it as a trite distraction from an interesting premise. The film has since appeared in lists of the greatest science fiction films,1. National Film Registry for preservation. The success of the film led to the release of two feature film sequels, both written and directed by the Wachowskis The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. Most people think of rainy days as gray, but in Nicols P. Villarreals animated short Nieta, a little girl has exactly the opposite reaction. For her, gloomy. Animation Comedy Drama Horror SciFi Superhero War Film Cross Genre Initiators Followers Description Misc Winner Treasure Island 1934 The. Watch 1,150 movies free online. Includes classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of our greatest actors, actresses and directors. Empire magazines definitive list of the best movies of all time. Have you seen them allThe Matrix franchise was further expanded through the production of comic books, video games and animated short films, in which the Wachowskis were heavily involved, and even inspired books and theories on ideas in religion and philosophy. Trinity, an infamous hacker, is cornered by police in an abandoned hotel. She overpowers them with superhuman abilities, but a group of sinister superhuman black suited Agents lead the police in a rooftop pursuit. She answers a ringing public telephone and vanishes. Computer programmer Thomas Anderson lives a double life under the hacker alias Neo. He believes something is wrong with the world and is puzzled by repeated online encounters with the cryptic phrase the Matrix. Trinity contacts him, saying that a man named Morpheus can explain its meaning however, the Agents, led by Agent Smith, apprehend Neo at his office and attempt to get a plea bargain out of Neo in exchange for helping them capture Morpheus, whom they call a terrorist. Undeterred, Neo meets Morpheus, who offers him a choice between a red pill, which will allow him to learn the truth about the Matrix, and a blue pill, which will return him to his former life. After swallowing the red pill, Neos reality disintegrates and he awakens, naked and weak, in a liquid filled pod, one of countless people connected by cables to an elaborate electrical system. He is rescued and brought aboard Morpheus hovercraft, the Nebuchadnezzar. Morpheus explains that, in the early 2. When humans blocked the machines access to solar energy, the machines retaliated by harvesting the humans bioelectricity for power. Directed by Anthony Russo, Joe Russo. With Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Redford. As Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the. Sci Fi Thriller Movies The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2015: Animation ' title='Sci Fi Thriller Movies The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2015: Animation ' />The Matrix is a shared simulation of the world as it was in 1. Watch The Hole Movie Monsters Vs. Aliens. Neo had lived in it since birth. Morpheus and his crew belong to a group of rebels who hack into the Matrix and unplug enslaved humans, recruiting them as rebels. The rebels understanding of the simulated reality allows them to bend its physical laws, granting them superhuman abilities. Morpheus warns Neo that fatal injuries within the Matrix also kill ones physical body, and that the Agents are powerful sentient programs that eliminate threats to the system. Neos skill during virtual combat training lends credence to Morpheus belief that Neo is the One, an especially powerful man prophesied to lead the insurrection of enslaved humans against the machines. The group enters the Matrix to visit the Oracle, a prophet who predicted the emergence of the One. She implies that Neo is not the One and warns Neo that he will soon have to choose between his life and Morpheus life. Before they can leave the Matrix, the group is ambushed by Agents and tactical police. Morpheus allows himself to be captured so Neo and the rest of the crew can escape. However, their getaway is hindered by Cypher, a crew member who betrayed Morpheus to Agent Smith in exchange for a comfortable life within the Matrix. Cypher disconnects from the Matrix and murders several crew members as they lie defenseless in the real world. He prepares to disconnect Neo and Trinity as well, but Tank, a crewman whom he had left for dead, kills him. In the Matrix, the Agents interrogate Morpheus in an attempt to learn his access codes to the mainframe computer in Zion, the rebel humans last refuge in the real world. Tank proposes killing Morpheus to prevent this, but Neo, who believes that he is not the One, resolves to return to the Matrix to rescue Morpheus Trinity insists on accompanying him. They rescue Morpheus, and in so doing, Neo gains confidence in his abilities, performing feats comparable to the Agents. Morpheus and Trinity exit the Matrix, but Smith thwarts Neos escape. Now surer of himself, Neo fights Smith as a near equal and defeats him, but Smiths nature as an Agent allows him to survive. Neo flees the converging Agents and locates an exit in the hotel from which Trinity had escaped earlier, but Smith shoots him dead. In the real world, machines known as Sentinels attack the Nebuchadnezzar, while Trinity whispers to Neo that the Oracle told her that she would fall in love with the One, and that Neo cannot be dead because she loves him. She kisses Neo, and he revives, this time with the power to perceive and control the Matrix. He effortlessly defeats Smith and leaves the Matrix in time for the ships electromagnetic pulse weapon to disable the attacking Sentinels. Some time later, Neo makes a telephone call in the Matrix, promising the machines that he will show their prisoners a world where anything is possible. He hangs up and flies into the sky. A computer programmer in Metacortex corporation who moonlights as a hacker. Reeves described his character as someone who felt that something was wrong, and was searching for Morpheus and the truth to break free. Will Smith turned down the role of Neo to make Wild Wild West, because of skepticism over the films ambitious bullet time special effects. He later stated he was not mature enough as an actor at that time,1. Nicolas Cage also turned down the part because of family obligations. Warner Bros. sought Brad Pitt or Val Kilmer for the role. When both declined, the studio pushed for Reeves, who won the role over Johnny Depp, the Wachowskis first choice. A human freed from the Matrix, captain of the Nebuchadnezzar. Fishburne stated that once he read the script, he did not understand why other people found it confusing. However, he had a doubt if the movie would ever be made, because it was so smart. The Wachowskis instructed Fishburne to base his performance on the character Morpheus in Neil Gaimans Sandman comics. Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Jackson, and Chow Yun fat were also considered for the part. Francois Truffauts 1. Greatest Films. Any day bringing a new Francois Truffaut film to the Criterion Collection is a good one, so it follows that today is a good day. Though every cinephiles favorite label already includes a smattering from the French New Wave legend, most notably Jules Et Jim and the Antoine Doinel series, today sees the release of a new edition of The Soft Skin, an early, often undervalued film by the filmmaker. So even though we ran an Essentials feature last year to celebrate the Blu Ray re release of Jules et Jim, we tend to jump at any chance to write about Truffaut. Weve expanded that feature herein to 1. Truffaut went from runaway schoolboy to bad boy Cahiers du Cinema critic to wildly acclaimed filmmaker before the age of 2. Truffaut packed a lot into his quarter century of work, dancing between autobiography his Antoine Doinel series, crime drama, period fare, sly comedy, and sometimes all of the above. So take a look through our fifteen favorite Truffaut pictures if just one reader is inspired to discover just one of these films, today will have been a very good day. The 4. Blows 1. 95. The only way to criticize a movie as to make another movie, Truffauts great friend, rival and colleague Jean Luc Godard oncesaid. And to be fair, the two put their money where theirmouths were after upending the critical establishment with his work at. Cahiers du cinema across the 1. Truffaut moved into shorts with. Une Visite, and after being inspired by Orson Welles Touch Of Evil in 1. The 4. 00 Blows. While the knives must have been out for it when it premiered at. Cannes, Truffaut had the best possible response hed made a gloriousmovie, one that turned the director from firebrand critic to one ofcinemas brightest hopes. Drawing on his own delinquent adolescence, thefilm is the first of five Truffaut made to focus on his surrogate. Antoine Doinel played by Jean Pierre Leaud, then aged only 1. A sort of Gallic answer to the Angry Young Mannarrative that was emerging at almost exactly the same time across the. Channel and the Atlantic with Look Back In Anger and Rebel Without A Cause,its a deeply moving and humane picture that captures about asaccurately as anything thats ever been made the effects of rampant hormones when youre fourteen and hate yourparents, your teachers, and pretty much everyone, principally thanks to its laser tight focus on Antoine. By which we mean Truffaut this is essentially cinema in the first person, with the filmmaker demonstrating in practice what hed beentalking about for so long in terms of the auteur theory. With distance,its easy to forget what a technical firecracker it must have been even on a limited budget, the black and white Cinemascope looksthoroughly gorgeous, and his command of where his camera looks andwhere he cuts is immensely confident. The film, which won Truffaut Best. Director at Cannes a festival from which he was banned as a critic theyear before, is dedicated to Andre Bazin, the great criticwhod passed just as the director was preparing to make the film andwhod been both a mentor and something of a saviour to him. We all have areason to be thankful to Bazin. Shoot The Piano Player 1. Godard followed his friends footsteps into feature films with 1. Breathlesswhich the pair wrote together, but the same year saw Truffaut followup his debut with his own playful noir picture, an adaptation of David Goodis novel Down There. Shoot The Piano Playeris a definite reaction against The 4. Blows Truffaut consideredthe latter film very French and wanted to showcase his love of Americancinema and kick against expectations, saying at the time I wanted toplease the real film buffs and only them, even if meant confusing mostof the people who liked The 4. Blows. In the end, Shoot The Piano. Player, may confuse everyone, but so what. True to that statement, thefilm probably stands as the directors most experimental work, thoughexperimental might be the wrong word for it its a playful film,mischievous and restless, and more comic than you might expect. The plotnominally focuses on singing star Charles Aznavour as themusician of the title drawn into the underworld to protect his brother,but Truffaut couldnt really be less interested in the story theres aloose, freewheeling energy closer to Hellzapoppin than, say, Nicholas Ray,grabbing on to whatever transgressions and sidebars take the directorsfancy. It probably says something that the entire second half of thefilm is made up mostly by a flashback. It should feel like the classicsecond album syndrome indulgent and self involved but theressomething deeply infectious and enjoyable about the picture. Having come to grips with the medium first time around, this is now a directortaking Orson Welles proverbialbest train set a boy could ask for and building it into loop the loopsand corkscrews. Its probably Truffauts most Godardian picture in someways, but as if Godard had grown up on the Marx Brothers and Ernst Lubitsch. While its critical and commercial failure meant that the directornever really repeated his experiment, the films DNA is present in much of what follows. Jules Et Jim 1. Jules et Jimis the film that launched a thousand rom coms and a millionstudy abroad years in Paris, with its loose lyrical story of a lovetriangle between two friends Henri Serre and Oskar Werner and a freewheeling Bohemian girl Jeanne Moreau. Probably Truffauts most popular and accessible film today, severalscenes the race across the railway bridge, the leap in the lake, themusical refrain of On sest connus are obvious sources for themontages of delirious capering that pass for romantic storylines in muchof current cinema. But Jules et Jim is,  technically and narratively speaking, a remarkablyadventurous and complex film which Truffaut arguably never bettered. Jules et Jim was shot by Raoul Coutard, Godards cinematographer throughout the 6. Costa Gavras on Z,and its when watching this film that you realize that more thanany of the New Wave directors and in spite of their allegiance toauteur theory it was Coutard who liberated the camera and transformed the wholefeeling of cinema in the early 6. Jules et Jimfrom a vantage point on a moving bicycle. But while the style ishyper modern and the rebellious vibe feels very 1. Jules et Jim is historical. Jules et Jimsfriendship founders partly on the issue of Catherine, but just as much on the fact that Jim is Austrian, Jules is French, and the movie takesplace before, during and after the First World War its amazing howeasily this is forgotten by people who think of Moreaus outfits as thelast word in 6. Although it only features a fewmoments of newsreel from the trenches, Jules et Jim is one of the great war andanti war movies, up there with Renoirs La Grande Illusion and Powell and Pressburgers The Life and Death of Colonel Blimpfrom which it borrows the basics of its plot as a statement on thepity and futility of European war. As such, its a strangelyold fashioned film that sits uncomfortably next to the rest of the New. Waves fantasies of revolutionary violence. But its from thatbackground of history and personal tragedy that Jules et Jim gets itsdeep emotional depth, which keeps it a fascinating film long after itstechnical innovations have been absorbed into the mainstream. The Soft Skin 1. The eighth film of Truffauts to receive the Criterion treatment, The Soft Skin is the perfect choice for reappraisal, especially as it divided criticalopinion on release. It didnt help that it followed one of the mostspectacular runs in cinema history with Truffauts last threesolo directed features being Jules et Jim, Shoot the Piano Playerand The 4.

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