The New Shin Hokuto No Ken Movie

The New Shin Hokuto No Ken Movie

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The New Shin Hokuto No Ken Movie ' title='The New Shin Hokuto No Ken Movie ' />Ken Masters Street Fighter Wiki. For the main character of Street Fighter 2. Ken, see Kevin Straker. Ken Masters Ken, as he appears in Street Fighter V. Click on the links to find out more about our projects Souten no Ken Anime Manga. Hokuto no Ken AnimeRaoh Den Junai no ShoYuria DenRaoh Den Gekito no Sho. Eye color. Brown. Blue Street Fighter IV, in gameHair color. Black dyes his hair blond12Fighting style. Likes. Pasta, family6, skateboarding12, the beach, sports cars, his best friend Ryu, his master Gouken, his student Sean Matsuda no matter how annoying he is, training, winning fights. RivalsAkuma, Rufus SFIV, Urien SFIII, Dan SFA2, Adon SFA3, Guile family rival, Ryu friendly, Gouken friendly, Sean SFIII, Karin SFA3 friendly, Sakura SFA3 friendly, Chun Li friendly, Sodom, Vega, Birdie, Laura friendly, F. A. N. G, Allen EX series, Morrigan SGEMF, Terry Bogard Cv. KING_gang.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100927052012' alt='The New Shin Hokuto No Ken Movie ' title='The New Shin Hokuto No Ken Movie ' />S, Kazuya Mishima, Nina Williams SFx. TKMoveset. Hadoken, Shakunetsu Hadoken, Shoryuken, Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, Roll, Roundhouse Kick, Reppu Hadoken, Ryusenkyaku Cv. S series, Kamabaraigeri, Raikou Nataotoshi, Senpu Nataotoshi, Quick Step, Heat Rush, Zanku Hadoken Mv. C series, Shoryureppa, Shinryuken, Shippu Jinraikyaku, Rengoku Guruma SFTM, Souryuken Project X Zone, Kuzuryu Reppa EX series, Guren Senpukyaku, Guren Enjinkyaku. Japanese voice actorsKenji Haga Street Fighter II The Animated Movie, Street Fighter II VNobuyuki Hiyama Street Fighter The MovieTetsuya Iwanaga Street Fighter Alpha series, Street Fighter EX series, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Marvel vs. Choose your favorite mobile devices Please contact one of our staff here regarding anime requests, complains, or bad ads. Thanks Hokuto no Ken 1986 movie Shin Kyseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken Kenshir Den Shin Kyseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken Raoh Den Junai no Sh. Nouvelle bannire automnale avec Inubashiri Momiji des jeux Touhou Project Top 10 lanc Pensez revoter pour lire les 10 meilleurs animes. Peace was brought to the land by Kenshir years ago. But now he is gone merely a legend. Along with the peace came a distinction in classes, and soon a new era of. Kenshiro, as illustrated on the cover of Hokuto no Ken Kykyokuban Vol. First appearance Fist of the North Star chapter 1 A Cry From The Heart 1983. Capcom series, Pocket Fighter, Namco x CapcomGo Yamane Street Fighter EX2 PlusKoji Tobe Street Fighter III New Generation, Street Fighter III 2nd ImpactKazuya Ichijo Street Fighter Alpha The AnimationYuji Kishi Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, Capcom vs. SNK series, Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken, Project X Zone, Street Fighter V, Wreck It RalphMonster Maezuka SNK vs. Capcom SVC ChaosEiji Hanawa Street Fighter Alpha GenerationsIm ready for ya, bring it onItsu demo ii ze Kakatte ki naKen Street Fighter IV series. Come on Lets turn up the heat Koi yo Atsuku sasete yaru zeKen Street Fighter V. Watch Miss Hokusai Online For Free. Ken Masters ,Ken Masutzu is a video game character and deuteragonist of the Street Fighter series, first appearing in the original Street Fighter. Similiar to his friend Ryu, Kens goal is to test his power against many different fighters and strives to become stronger, but holds more restraint due to not wanting to jeopardize his family life. Biography. Edit Appearance Edit. Ken is most easily recognized by his sparring gloves yellow in the Alpha series, brown elsewhere and bright red gi with the sleeves ripped off, similar to Ryus Capcom has said that a red gi was chosen to stand out and to reflect his more flashy style of fighting. His gi has the sleeves neatly removed, and it is usually seen in better shape than Ryus except for in the Street Fighter III series, since he can easily afford to keep up with andor own spares. He has blonde hair his natural hair color is black but he dyes it blond12 and long eyebrows. He wears a black belt at his waist and fights barefooted. In the Street Fighter Alpha series, he had longer hair that he tied back with a red ribbon into a ponytail. The official explanation for the loss of the ribbon is that he gave it to Ryu to wear during the events of Street Fighter Alpha 2 as stated in Kens own ending Ryu was distracted during his fight with Ken because he had just fought Sagat, and ended up losing. Ken gave Ryu the headband to remind him of their fight. In Street Fighter II V, Ken usually wears casual outfits throughout the episodes a yellow formal suit jacket with a red tank top, matching white pants with a black belt to his waist and black shoes. By the time of Street Fighter V, Kens appearance has undergone the first major design change in the characters history. Kens gi top now hangs around his waist and he wears a black v neck training shirt with several red linings in its place. He sports black sparring gloves and has his hair tied back in a topknot instead of hanging loose which it was grown into medium length after the events of Street Fighter IV series and now wears black ankle wraps with red linings instead of barefoot. His second alternate costume is one of his disguised forms in Pocket Fighter but updated he wears a black leather jacket with maroon outlines and a white tank top underneath, red denim pants with a black belt, a neon yellow buckle on his waist and black leather shoes. His sunglasses are hanging loose on his tank top. His medium length hair is shorter. Though unconfirmed, it is possible that Ken could have been inspired by real life Karate world champion, Joe Lewis. Like Ken, Lewis was a blonde American who trained a traditional style in Japan, then went back to the U. S to become a famous champion. Lewis also founded Full Contact Karate and became a world champion at that as well. In addition to his similar looks, Lewis was also known as were many American Karate fighters of his time for using colored Karate uniforms, including a red one. He was challenging of traditional Karate ways and modified much of his original Shorin Ryu style, similar to Kens modifications that distinguish him from Ryu, a traditional fighter. Originally only called Ken, he gained his last name when toy company Hasbro got the license to add the characters from Street Fighter II to their G. I. Joe toyline. It is widely believed, though never confirmed, that the name was given to avoid copyright confusion with the character of the same name from Mattels Barbie toyline. Personality Edit. While Ryu is the more serious and stoic of the two, Ken is the complete opposite flamboyant, unorthodox and unpredictable. He is an alpha male with a giant ego and constantly reminds his opponents about his greatness. While he can be brash, egotistical, and arrogant at times, his heart is pure. He is generally kind, friendly, a good person, and very easygoing. He never backs down from a fight no matter how difficult it looks. Like Ryu, he believes in honor, hard work, endurance, and discipline. He always gives his opponents the utmost respect, whether it is his master Gouken, his best friend Ryu, or his Capcom vs. SNK rival, Terry Bogard. He is also a worrywart when it comes to his family, nearly missing the tournament in Street Fighter IV because he didnt want to leave Eliza so close to her due date, and only entered when she assured him shed be fine. He still called her to check in and tell her to be careful on stairs. Character Relationships. Edit. Ryu is Kens best friend from his childhood, as the two have trained in the same art of Ansatsuken for a long time. They share a very close bond to each other and will help out each other no matter the cost. Both of them have also trained together under Gouken. Like Ryu, Ken has immense respect for Gouken. Rufus constantly fights Ken but Ken keeps forgetting who he is. Ken highly respects Seans abilities, enough to make him his personal disciple. Sometimes they can be sarcastic at each other and trade jabs but are at very good terms. Ken gets along well with his brother in law. Ken is aware of Bisons villainy and seeks to defeat him. During the events of Street Fighter II, Bison brainwashed Ken into Violent Ken. Like Ryu, Ken is aware of the threat Akuma possesses over humanity. Background. Edit. When Ken was about 1. Masters family fortune. In order to do so, the elder Masters sent Ken to Japan to train under his best friend, the mysterious karate master Gouken. At first, Ken was very hesitant to learn from Gouken, wanting to go back to the United States, but later began to respect his master. He even enjoyed the company of Goukens adopted son, Ryu, since he had a foil to finally pull pranks on, although this got Ken into a lot of trouble. Ryu and Ken would later become best friends and each others principal rivals. Watch Free New Anime Online.

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