Watch The Hole Movie Gnomeo And Juliet

Watch The Hole Movie Gnomeo And Juliet

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Movies Lists dance party endings Paste. Tropes are an interesting thing. In some cases, the revelation of a tropes existence is all thats required to destroy its efficacyif people become aware of that unit of storytelling and thats what a trope is it sometimes graduates immediately into the realm of ascended trope, which is cliche. Moviepooper reveals surprise twist endings to classic, recent and new movies. Spoiler warning Every film found here has the ending given away Johnny Depp Celebrity Profile Check out the latest Johnny Depp photo gallery, biography, pics, pictures, interviews, news, forums and blogs at Rotten TomatoesAnd often, thats all it takes for the cliche to fade away. In other cases, though, even widespread understanding or disdain for a trope or cliche seems to have absolutely no effect on its usage or ubiquityits simply immune. Bulletproof. If anything, it gains strength. Thats the dance party ending, as far as animated feature films are concerned. I dont need to go into great depth explaining what the dance party ending is, for exactly the reason invoked abovetheyre literally everywhere, and theyve been particularly universal since the game changer that was the first Shrek in 2. Theyve become a well understood phenomenon, and there have been excellent pieces written on why the basic conceptexecution is so inherently irritating, even to viewers who otherwise enjoy animated musical numbers. These endings simply push the buttons of the more savvy film fans in an audience with the inherent cynicism they representtreacly pop songs rather than original music, in most cases slathered in fourth wall breaking mirth making. Hey, is that the villain dancing with the heroes Isnt it kooky Wheeee So if its safe to say we know what they are, theres only one question left to answer Which of these terrible scenes is worstI love t his movie and the way it shows how hard it is to innovate a brand. Leaders should watch it. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Full List of Inventory 12717. You can search for a specific title by using your computer or other devices search function. If you want a specific list such as. Alice in Wonderland is a 1951 American animated musical fantasyadventure film produced by Walt Disney Productions and based on the Alice books by Lewis Carroll. Watch The Hole Movie Gnomeo And Juliet ' title='Watch The Hole Movie Gnomeo And Juliet ' />I mean sure, in doing so well also determine which of the scenes is best, technically, but its the WORST here that is so much more interesting. And given that almost all of them are terrible, its also a hell of a challenge to put together. In doing my due diligence, Ive tracked down no fewer than 3. Im sure there are even more that Im missing, and I cant even imagine how many terrible ones there are in the land of cheapo direct to DVDVOD, but for our purposes Im keeping this to theatrical features from real studios. Some are terrible for their laziness some for their opulence many for their incredibly cynical or contrived attitudes. But which is the worst of the worst Lets get into it, starting with the best first, and then descending into the worst of the worst. Rio 2. 01. 1Good original songs make all the difference when it comes to the dance party ending, and although this one takes place in the air theyre all birds, after all, it still qualifies. Real in Rio is a toe tapper, and so much more pleasant to listen to than a forced pop standard from this summers radio airplay. The animation is beautiful, the characters all get their own little moments to shine, and its in and out before it ever has a chance to get schmaltzy. As far as dance party endings go, its easily top of the class. Toy Story 2 1. 99. Pixar is one of the few major animated feature producers who havent been enamored with the dance party endingwhich is just one reason among many why their production has often been deemed next level, at least until the last few years. They only make a couple of appearances on this list, and theyre both tame and inoffensive. Toy Story 2 predates Shrek, which means that a lot of the dance party ending tropes havent quite been codified yet. This ending, with squeaky toy penguin Wheezy singing the series theme Youve Got a Friend in Me, actually feels earned, considering that it pays off one of the major themes of the filmthe toys fear of their own mortalitybeing broken, offering a hopeful affirmation that its possible to come back from the abyss and find new purpose. Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair Free Online Movie. That, and its short. The Fantastic Mr. Fox 2. 00. 9Yes, even Wes Anderson once gave us a dance party ending can you believe itWatch The Hole Movie Gnomeo And Juliet And yes, its more or less symmetrical. This bit is simply a small celebration at the end of Fantastic Mr. Fox, as the gang revels in their new safety and food source. The choice of song is The Bobby Fuller Fours Let Her Dance, which is the kind of tasteful departure from modern pop music youd likely expect from Anderson. Its short and sweet, and theres really nothing bad you can say about it. You have to give this kind of ending credit for at least serving as a comment on the directors taste, rather than a way to shoehorn in a promotional music tie in with a modern band. The Book of Life 2. The rare occasion of a non original song that works pretty well for the dance party ending, The Book of Life ends with a sweet but not overly saccharine duet between its two romantic leads, set to the tune of then indie folk pop couple Us the Duo. This one is the first on this list that could be considered a good example of the typical dance party ending, which involves pretty much the entire cast each taking turns and wrapping everything up in a neat little package, but it simply doesnt come off half as labored as almost all the others. Puss in Boots 2. Its funny to consider that although the first Shrek film codified many of the traits of the dance party ending, it was easily surpassed in execution by its own spin off, Puss in Boots. Like all of the best entries on this list it features original music and eye popping animation. Its also pretty funny, playing off both the character portrayed by Antonio Banderas and the cat meme obsession of the internet itself. The bit with the cats rhythmically chasing spots of light reflecting off the disco ball is an inspired combination of dance and cat joke. Toy Story 3 2. 01. This one is a little cheesy, but its also realistically modest, in the same vein as Toy Story 2 was. Its not the all out dance party spectacular that you see in most of the Shrek style Dreamworks films its more of a one on one between Buzz Lightyear and Jessie the cowgirl. Using Youve Got a Friend in Me yields somewhat diminishing returns at this point, as you would expect in a second sequel, but I can give credit for the way it plays off Buzzs Hispanic alter ego in the film by being performed in Spanish. Its a little obvious, but its still sincere enough when all is said and done to not raise my blood pressure. Despicable Me 2. I havent seen Despicable Me 3, considering that its only been in theaters for about a week making insane cash, but after the first and second installments of this prodigiously successful Universal series, its probably safe to say that it also features a dance party ending. The first and best entry is a little bit literal, but literal is better in dance party endings than the alternative. Supervillain Gru is roped into dancing in a ballet recital with his trio of little adoptee girls, to the tune of the Bee Gees You Should Be Dancing, which isnt a bad choice. It at least is consistent to the characterGru tries to avoid being made to go up and dance, but then once forced into it commits a little too hard. His manic dancing actually reminds me humorously of David Brents extremely uncomfortable dancing on the British version of The Office, which has You Should Be Dancing earlier in the same scene. Makes you wonder 2. Madagascar 3 Europes Most Wanted 2. As much as I hate the idea of offering some kind of faint praise to the third film in the Madagascar series, as well as the idea of a dance party ending that is set to Katy Perrys Firework, I simply cant ignore how visually spectacular this one is. Less a dance party and more a triumphantly choreographed circus performance, its a phantasmagorial display of color and motion that is beautiful to behold. Its almost more pleasant to watch with the sound off, but it earns a decent place on this list for just being so visually dazzling. Zootopia 2. 01. 6A lot of dance party endings are integrated with the end credits, but Zootopia pulls it off a bit more stylishly than some of the others.

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